


杜牧 清明
The ceaseless drizzle drips all the dismal day,
So broken-hearted fares the traveler on the way.
When asked where could be found a tavern bower,
A cowboy points to yonder village of the apricot flower.

元夜 欧阳修
At Lantern Festivalby Ouyang Xiu
Lights were bright as day in the flower-market last year,
And the moon was mounting above us to the tops of willows,
The lovers meeting to keep their tryst after dusk just here.
The bright lights and the moon look as good as last year,
But the lovers can’t be seen now at Lantern Festival,
Tears making my sleeves wet, coming down my cheers.


直译:Seek, seek. Search, search.
Cold, cold. Empty, empty.
Misery, misery. Sorrow, sorrow. Sadness, sadness.
林译:So dim, so dark,/ So dense, so dull,/ So damp, so dank,/ So dead!
杨译:Seeking, seeking,/ Chilly and quiet,/ Desolate, painful and miserable.
徐译:I’ve a sense of something missing I must seek./ Everything about me looks dismal and bleak. / Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.
许译:I look for what I miss;/ I know not what it is./ I feel so sad, so drear,/ So lonely, without cheer.


梅 零落成泥碾作尘 只有香如故 陆游
Zero completion mud ground for dust only as incense

兰 兰生不当户,别是闲庭草。夙被霜露版欺,红荣已先老权。李白
Joram the improper households, especially in forest grass. Is frost and dew rewelding deceives, red rong has been to old.

竹 生挺凌云节,飘摇仍自持。 康有为
Born pretty LingYunJie, fragile self sustaining.

菊 待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀。黄巢
Until the autumn to September 8, I after bloom flowers.


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